Crazy, Crazy Weather

Episode 5 of You Are My Spring begins in Seoul, 2003. Chae-Jun and Ian together. Chae-Jun comes from an abusive family and after seeing his Mother passed out on the floor, he lashed out against his Father and ended up killing him. This seems to be one of the murders he’s confessed to in the present. Desperate to find out the truth, Young-Do shows up at the apartment block where he runs into Ian. He’s standoffish with the therapist though, refusing to open up and admit why he’s there. Instead, Ian simply drives away. In the morning, Young-Do continues with his therapy sessions, this time with young Min-Ju whom he helps out by getting his Bear stitched back up again. After this session, Young-Do receives some photos of drawings done by a child named Aiden. Da-Jeong then video calls and learns the truth. It seems these drawings are about his Mother and his feelings toward her. This is enough to help Da-Jeong, as she encourages the boy to come out from inside his tent he’s stuck in. Young-Do shows up at the police station where he learns the officers are under pressure to close this case quickly. However, Seung-Jun receives a call regarding Ian Chase, which certainly perks up Young-Do immediately. Right now, he’s the number 1 suspect. After Cheol-Do and Eun-Ha tend to a lovable couple at the bar, they receive a package. There’s also some food in there for Young-Do too. Da-Jeong drops it off but she’s shy and tentative when she does. Young-Do next heads on-air where fellow broadcaster Han A-Reum is called out for having a crush on him. As they talk, Young-Do chooses a song to see him off, which happens to be ‘The Butterflies Flew’. Young-Do picks up a motorcycle helmet for Da-Jeong’s Mother, but Da-Jeong ends up seeing him in the shop window, teasing the man about his choice of colour. As they head for rammyeon together, Da-Jeong picks her moment and admits that she listened to the radio show. Young-Do coughs and sputters as Da-Jeogn starts to flirt. She quizzes him over whether he frequents Geungnum a lot with another girl, Young-Do misses the signals and admits Seung-Won is the one responsible for the note. Tellingly, she runs her finger around the outside of her can, admitting that it’s nice to hear a song that she’s into on the radio. Right now though, Da-Jeong is unsure how she feels but the pair discuss her emotions and what’s going on with her job. Meanwhile, Jin-Bok continues to investigate the murder case. He turns his attention to the Myeong-Ja situation from 2003, which remains unsolved to this date. He meets up with Myeong-Ja’s husband, where they discuss Jeong-Beom together. It was back in 1994 when this happened and apparently he continued to ask about his wife’s church she attended. For now this is all we get from the conversation, leaving things tantalizingly open. That evening, it starts to snow. Young-Do charges back to his apartment where he finds Da-Jeong there too, marveling at the weather. He steps up to her, with the crazy weather as an excuse, and looks set to reveal how he truly feels. Whether he does or not remains a mystery, given the episode comes to a close.

The Episode Review

You Are My Spring bows out with another good episode this week, shedding a little more light on the past but mostly focusing on the growing ties between Young-Do and Da-Jeong. These two have excellent chemistry together and this chapter works to solidify their growing relationship nicely. The symbolic ending with the snow and the crazy weather excuse seems like we’re ramping up for the pair getting into relationship territory too… and I am all for it! It also helps that the cinematography is beautifully done, with the letterbox lens working nicely for the flashback sequences. Speaking of which, seeing more of the past through these flashbacks is certainly helpful while the series has done a decent job so far keeping things engaging and poised on a knife-edge with this twin murder storyline. In a way, it feels quite reminiscent of Mouse and you can definitely see some similarities there. By comparison though, You Are My Spring clearly has more romance and drama so the balance between tones is slightly lighter here. Either way, You Are My Spring continues to deliver compelling drama, leaving things wide open for tomorrow’s follow-up chapter.