Episode Guide

Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8   Ah, Summer. That blissful week in England when the sun finally shines and everyone clambers outside to make the most of the rays. Of course, after that it’s back to another 51 weeks of cloudy, rainy weather but it’s fun while it lasts. Thankfully Netflix’s array of summer shows are back to brighten things up. Including Summertime which – unsurprisingly – is set during the summer. Much like the first season, Summertime follows a very basic archetypal story that will undoubtedly appeal to its core fanbase but does absolutely nothing to reel in those disillusioned by the antics during the first 8 episodes. In fact, the writing is somehow worse this time around, with characters flip-flopping between two different states throughout the season. The crux of the drama here though falls to Summer. She is once again the focal point but this time has a big decision to make with her life. With Ale off pursuing his racing career alongside romantic partner and fellow racer Lola, Summer shacks up with Edo. All is right with the world until Ale comes back unexpectedly for the weekend. Sparks immediately fly between Summer and Ale, leading to a “will they/won’t they” romance that encapsulates the entire season. This love triangle, and cliched idea, extends out to all the other characters too. Comedic relief and lovable goofball Dario finds himself falling for a customer while working as a delivery driver. Dubbed “MILF” (and later known as Rita) Dario finds himself grappling with his conflicted emotions. Likewise, Sofia and Irene hit a rough patch as Irene’s ex comes back into the fold. This leads to a fair amount of drama, which inevitably extends out to Summer too. Despite being Summer’s best friend, Sofia feels like she’s on the periphery in favour of Summer’s love triangle antics. This leads her to begin questioning her own feelings, which basically sums up her arc across these 8 episodes. And 8 episodes is far too long for the story being told here. In fact, Summertime could easily get rid of 3 episodes, with the vast majority of the run-time peppered in with montage segments, dancing, drinking and superficial drama. There are so many montages too, and they don’t add anything substantial to the show. However, this is a simple teen drama at its heart and one of those shows designed to be thrown on in the background while you’re doing other things. I said the same thing about the first season, but here the problems are actually exacerbated by a lack of conviction around any of the stories. It’s not until the finale where an injection of drama is thrown in but it feels like a final hoorah to drum up support for a third season. With so many good teen dramas out there, Summertime fails to stand out or even do anything beyond the norm. This simplistic drama does absolutely nothing to justify its second season renewal, with tired and cliched tropes that fail to expand the characters in a meaningful way. If anything, Summer is more docile this time around and swayed by those around her. Despite its promise of sun-soaked shenanigans, Summertime Season 2 is a dark storm cloud, bursting over 8 episodes of soggy, soapy drama that’s as forgettable as it is superficial.   Read More: Summertime Season 2 Ending Explained

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