Fine-Tuning Powers

Episode 6 of Raising Dion begins with Nicole and Dion talking about the night before during breakfast. When Dion arrives at school, he tells Esperanza all about the storm man from the night before. She suggests that since BIONA can track storms, they could also make them. Suddenly the class gets a message from Suzanne telling them that BIONA will be sponsoring this year’s science fair. As Nicole heads into work, she hears that the dancers are rehearsing her old show and becomes nostalgic. While the theatre is empty, Nicole decides to dance, not knowing that Rashad is watching her. This leads him to offer to train her during her lunch hour as he believes she should start dancing again. Back home, Dion tells his mum about the storm man and as he shows her what he looks like, she shows him the picture on her phone, asking him if it’s the same shape he saw. After confirming that it is, Nicole calls Charlotte and leaves a voicemail asking her to come to her house. At BIONA, Suzanne gives Pat access to L5 labs and approval for his research proposal. She tells him that Mark was working on a confidential project but since he disappeared, they haven’t been able to find the results on his computer. The university of Iceland has since reported strange phenomena with the animals. After mentioning the healed fox, she also shows him land in Iceland slowly being destroyed. Charlotte appears in Nicole’s house and tells her that the storm man is just too strong and there’s nothing anyone can do. After convincing her to stay and help, Charlotte meets Dion and tells him that she will teach him to hide and use his powers. As they all head to the cellar, Dion and Charlotte show each other their respective powers. She then teaches him to be invisible while also trying to make control him his teleportation. While Dion works on his powers, Pat calls Nicole telling her he’s now working in the famous lab. They later share a nice evening and spend some time together playing pool. After saying goodbye to each other, Nicole finds a memory card in Mark’s watch containing the files of his Iceland project and in one of the files, a list of names which they think might be the people who were in Iceland that fateful day. Meanwhile, we see that Suzanne has been sending a drone to spy on Nicole and Dion where the end the episode. As we get closer to the finale, we’re shown more of Dion’s powers and they look to be quite impressive. Charlotte’s lessons proved to be quite helpful and it has been really fun watching both of them bond over their common powers. Esperanza plays her part so well and really steals the show whenever she’s on screen too with her humour and sharp wit. Who knows, maybe we may even find out she has powers too! One thing’s for sure though, as Dion becomes more attuned to his impressive powers, the finale looks set to be pretty exciting and full of action.