I Believe In A Thing Called Love

After the cliffhanger ending last time out, Osmosis returns with its penultimate episode and one final twist in the tale. As the police take Lucas to the station for questioning, the events of the night before are revealed to us. It turns out both Lucas and Leopold both took drugs that sent them into a hedonistic trip. This unfortunately led to Leopold drowning in a lake and Lucas ‘ memory hazy over the exact events that took place. Still reeling over the bombshell revelation last episode, Esther stews in her anger at the notion of being used to replace someone else’s daughter. Needing to speak to someone about her situation, she confronts Martin who compares his situation to hers. This results in a pretty heated debate between the two before the police turn their attention to Paul in a bid to try to find Niels after his dramatic escape last episode. After refusing to give up the GPS data to his location, we cut back to Ana whose situation turns from bad to worse as she slumps further into a depressive state. After trying to commit suicide, Billie comes to her rescue and manages to stop her just in time to prevent her finishing the job. With the police gone, Paul asks Swann to come back to Osmosis. In a bid to try and convince her, he goes back to her place but winds up seeing the same screen he saw in his mind’s eye a few episodes back. Connecting the dots, he realizes at this point that the pattern is the exact same one he saw when he was trying to find Josephine. After this plot revelation, Osmosis throws one final twist into the fold, revealing that Martin is infact Tom; Esther’s perfect match in the V.R. simulation. With Esther still reeling over everything that’s taken place over the past few days, the police show up at Osmosis once again, determined to find Niels. The episode then ends with Esther turning off the GPS for Niels and subsequently switching Martin off completely, causing all the testers to drop to the floor unconscious. We’re into the home stretch now and Osmosis has been quite the roller-coaster ride up until this point. While some of the melodramatic beats haven’t always hit the right notes, for the most part Osmosis is a highly enjoyable, unpredictable sci-fi thriller. The series itself is well paced  too and this consistency certainly carries over into this episode. Quite what the finale holds for this one is left up for debate but for now, Osmosis ends its episode with a bang and an almighty cliffhanger ready for the finale.