Finally, Some Drama!

Episode 10 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2 begins with Sa-Hyun believing he and Song Won should go to a fortune teller to try and sort their relationship out. Song Won is not so sure and implores him to stop. She retorts back that seeing a teller could actually lead to bad luck. For now, she wants them to stay separate. Meanwhile, Pi-Young is still voiceless while Hye-Ryung is speechless after watching Dong-Mi getting handy with Yu-Shin. Anyway, the funeral eventually comes to an end after everyone pays their respects. Pi-Young finds herself imagining Yu-Shin packing his bags and leaving – a nice bit of foreshadowing for later on. Pi-Young continues to act coldly toward Yu-Shin though, refusing to speak to her husband. She continues to ignore him, even when he asks her to message as they part ways. She blanks him completely and bids the rest of the family goodnight. That evening, Seo-Hyang comes back as a ghost. Pi-Young can see her too but it’s only a temporary thing. Pi-Young can also talk too now, although the ghost just disappears when she stands up. Unable to stick around at the house, Pi-Young decides to leave. In the morning, Dong-Mi reads a letter from Pi-Young, admitting that she’s leaving for the time being. Dong-Mi can cook for Ji-A. Pi-Young, as it turns out, is intent on visiting A-Mi. After a failed visit to the hospital, she eventually mopes around at home. An unaware Dong-Mi encourages her, admitting that things get easier over time. Well, she heads out and pick up some forms for filing a divorce. Sa-Hyun continues to pedal the idea of a fortune teller, convinced that he and Song Won are meant to be together. He speaks to his parents about this and contemplates getting a divorce with Hye-Ryung again. Instead, his parents meet with Song-Won and hand her some allowance. When Yu-Shin heads home later than day, he tries to hug Pi-Young but she pushes him away. She immediately tells him she’s going to send Ji-A away to study. She’s going to quit her job and take her too, away from Yu-Shin. Finally they get out to the car, where Pi-Young tells him to drive over to A-Mi’s address. Yu-Shin is shocked and refuses to do so, leading her to show the divorce papers. Yu-Shin claims this is just “something minor” as Pi-Young is outraged that he’s reacting to cheating like this. Instead, she wants to see just how strong Yu-Shin and A-Mi’s bond is. Yu-Shin however, continues to pedal the fact they “only went on a few dates.” Pi-Young messages A-Mi from his phone and realizes her husband is deleting messages as they come in from her. As they show up, A-Mi is wearing a towel and obviously shocked when she sees Pi-Young and Yu-Shin standing there. A-Mi outright admits that she’s in love with Yu-Shin, which inevitably prompts Pi-Young to realize her husband is too. Only, he’s too much of a coward to actually say it out loud. She also learns there’s a 16 year difference between the homewrecker and Yu-Shin. After learning how many gifts he’s got her, Pi-Young has heard enough. She’s going to divorce him for good. Yu-Shin tries to follow his wife out but she curses him out. Speaking of curses though, in the middle of all this creepy Ki-Rim ghosts his way into a swimming pool and starts ogling over some young woman lying on a sunbed. Ugh, what a perv. At home, Pi-Young breaks the news about Yu-Shin’s mistress and the divorce to Dong-Mi. Pi-Young is going to raise Ji-A from now on, although she reveals part of A-Mi’s address to Dong-Mi. She’s obviously torn up because she want a piece of Yu-Shin too. Well, they don’t have to wait for long as A-Mi and Yu-Shin both show up together. Dong-Mi immediately throws herself at A-Mi before slapping Yu-Shin in the face. Yu-Shin claims this is a “misunderstanding” and asks her to hear them out. A-Mi lies and claims she doesn’t love him and that their relationship is more brother/sister. I mean, if we’re talking incestuous siblings like Jaime and Cersei Lannister then yes, they are. Well, Pi-Young decides to call out what she’s saved his number as but she refuses to do so. Dong-Mi has heard enough and splashes a drink in A-Mi’s face. Personally, I would have gone for golden syrup but there we go. Anyway, Dong-Mi next grabs the bottle and looks set to smash it over her head… as the episode comes to a close.

The Episode Review

Finally, some drama! Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) rocks out one of its best episodes, although I must admit I thought it was all going to be a vision multiple times. This is what happens when you have a show that fake-outs these confrontations so much, you tend to doubt whether what you’re watching is even real. Well, it seems like it is and boy does Pi-Young go in hard on her slimy husband. A-Mi gets the full brunt of this too, although personally I think Hae-Ryun has got off lightly. The fact that he’s playing happy families right now annoys me more than I care to admit in this recap. At the same time, the series continues to pedal these useless subplots alongside this storyline. There’s now two ghosts too, although Pi-Young can see hers but no one can see Ki-Rim. Is there a different level of ghostiness do you think? Who knows, I doubt this show will have the panache to actually tell us. Thankfully Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce)  leans into the drama this time around and that’s at least made the long wait this season worth it for this. Hopefully we’ll get extra drama next week – or we’ll find out it’s all been one big vision. We shall see!