Selecting The Jury

We begin episode 11 of Law School with Professor Yang in his car, phoning the contact number scribbled on the hand of our suspect in prison. He arrives in a taxi to a motel while Man-Ho arrives at a different location. Anyway, Yang finds a bag just sitting on the seats there, holding the needle used to stab Seo, the spy camera pen and shoe soles. Man-Ho meanwhile is given a picture of his son. Anyway, all the kids gather together and start to come up with evidence and a case for Ye-Seul’s self-defence plea. Given there’s going to be a jury, it will at least help them to avoid the judge casting his biased judgement. Upon examination, they notice that Ye-Seul’s two statements differ slightly, which causes all of them to begin questioning where they stand. However, various pictures speak volumes – on both sides of the argument. Things take a turn for the awkward when Joon-Hwi show up at the Prosecutors’ Office. The students are all on their internments and this is where Joon-Hwi has ended up. Inside, he’s greeted by Jin. Joon-Hwi is going to be tutored by him as the kids are shown the ropes. And what better place to start than with Seung-Jae. Things are tense between them, as Jin oversees Joon-Hwi grilling the boy. He goes in hard, but obviously all of this is for his career. It’s also for Jin’s favour too, as he watches this unfold. Meanwhile, both Sol-A and Sol-B apply to be an intern at Assemblyman Ko’s workplace. Sol-B receives chuckles and a gracious acceptance while Sol-A receives a judgmental “hmm.” That evening, Yang brings Joon-Hwi over to his house and shows him the bag full of evidence he’s uncovered. Together, they learn the fingerprints have been wiped and that it’s going to be difficult to figured out who is behind this. These internships though certainly help the kids bring their stories together. It seems like the prosecution are concocting a fabricated story to show Ye-Seul was two-timing Yeong-Chang. Before that though, the pre-hearing for Ye-Seul goes ahead with the jurors picked for the case ahead. Eun-Suk reminds Yang that he needs to make a good impression, bringing up his prickly attitude and why Professor Bae is his biggest enemy. Assemblyman Ko is clever. At the same time as the Yeong-Chan case, Bad FaMa are in court for defamation of facts. Ko uses this to his advantage, leveraging Eun-Suk’s work in order to help with the case. Basically this is a clever character study to make him look good before the trial in a bid to sway the jury – and the public. He even delivers an impassioned press conference too, taking digs at Man-Ho in the process. The jury process gets underway as Sol-A plants number 37 to be part of the audience. She helps to whittle down the selections, eventually leading to the select few being chosen – including this woman. However, the Judge makes a point of mentioning how one will be replaced with a secret reserve juror if they’re found ill. This could well prove to be important going forward. Ye-Seul’s case goes ahead and Prosecutor Bae immediately paints Yeong-Chan as a victim. She shows the photos of Yeong-Chan’s neck brace and makes it seem like he almost lost his life. Yang is more methodical, telling the jury they need to make their decision based on evidence alone. As the episode closes out, Man-Ho grabs Assemblyman Ko and begins choking him out in the bathroom. Yang shows up though – seemingly during a recess – and tells Man-Ho to kill.

The Episode Review

Law School returns with an improved episode this time, focusing on Ye-Seul and setting up the jury for the case ahead. There’s a good deal of law drama too (obviously) and with the focus shifting across to Ye-Seul instead of Yang, the episode is a lot more intriguing. The Seo situation is still unresolved though but it seems likely now that the whole event was a set-up designed to frame the prosecutor. Whether that will be confirmed in court however, is another matter. What’s more intriguing though is the Ye-Seul situation. Seeing this jury court in action will be interesting and the upcoming episodes certainly prove as much. The editing is still a little choppy at times and this drama seems to have one music track on a loop throughout, which does start to get a bit grating. I can imagine binge watchers are probably going to notice that a lot more though. Still, after some choppy episodes this drama is just now starting to pull it together. This was a much improved chapter from what we’ve seen before, leaving the door wide open for next week’s follow-up.