She learns that as long as she can be happy at the end of the day with the choices she has made for her life then it is okay. She doesn’t need a perfect life and she needs to reevaluate the meaning of Christmas. She decides that the real meaning of Christmas is looking for love and that the only way to receive it is by giving it.

Does Caterina Find Her Secret Admirer?

Throughout the show, Caterina keeps receiving origami from a secret admirer. At first, she thought it was Thomas but it turns out to be Diego.  Diego is deaf and works at the hospital as a cleaner. He first saw Caterina when he first arrived at Chioggia and fell for her. Caterina is elated to find her secret admirer and they seem to hit it off immediately.

Does Titti Find Love?

Titti is all about staying away from emotions. She sails through her relationships, not developing any real feelings for her partners but that changes when she meets Mario. Initially, Mario and Gianna went on a date and it didn’t end well. Somehow, Mario ends up winning Titti’s heart and they start getting serious.

Who Does Gianna Invite For Christmas Dinner?

For the first time, Gianna gets the opportunity to be home for the Christmas Eve dinner. Earlier in the day, she had an epiphany on the meaning of Christmas and decides to invite Caterina, Diego and Matilde (her favourite patient) to the dinner. Romantically, Gianna has two valid options, Umberto and Carlo. She ran into Carlo at the market a few days before Christmas with her brother. She planned to call him and explain that the man she was with at the market was her brother and not a date. Umberto confessed his true feeling and asked for a chance to be together. Gianna was taken aback by the sudden confession but a medical emergency interrupted them. We didn’t get to see if she agreed to give him a chance. Is he the person who she opened the door for during the Christmas dinner?   Read More: I Hate Christmas Season 1 Review

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I Hate Christmas Season 1 Ending Explained   Does Gianna succeed in finding a man  - 72I Hate Christmas Season 1 Ending Explained   Does Gianna succeed in finding a man  - 11