Where Is The Gold?

Episode 7 of High Seas’ second season sees more insight into Rosa’s death as Detective Varela heads to the scene and investigates. It turns out Rosa was shot dead and with them docking at Rio the following day, it doesn’t look good for Fernando who happens to be the prime witness for the crime. Fernando unfortunately hears the bad news soon after and is told to hand over his gun. However, it happens to be a different model but as Natalia refuses to back up his claims, he finds himself arrested and in Varela’s custody nonetheless. With Fernando eventually revealing he intended to leave Carolina for Rosa back in the past, Eva and Carolina discuss who may have lost out the most from this move. This happens to put Natalia in the firing line, especially given she may have lost a lot if he went ahead with doing this. Deciding to see if they can find evidence to support their claims, Carolina and Eva break into her room and begin searching around. Finding figures that don’t add up, they hide in her room as Natalia arrives back at her cabin and picks up a handgun from the wardrobe. With the girls still hiding, Pierre arrives and begins choking her out as he learns she was the one who poisoned Clara. Varela stops him from choking her though, reminding him he has no proof and that Natalia will be arrested when they reach the dock. Heading back into her cabin, Varela forces Natalia to hand over her gun and makes a passing comment that it’s the same caliber as the one which killed Rosa. Is this just a coincidence or is there something more to this? As the mystery deepens, Carolina finds Carlos the worse for wear in the cargo hold while Sofia and Rojas receive a phone call from the Captain while up in the infirmary together. With their plan starting to take shape and chaos gripping the ship, the Captain allows him to be released for medical treatment. As Carolina and Eva learn more about the gold and what this means for their future, Carlos escapes with the help of Rojas. Sofia meanwhile heads to the Captain’s room and demands he open the safe but unfortunately when he does, the gold is missing. Out in the hallway, Eva and Carolina are held up at gunpoint by Sofia who’s convinced by Carlos to drop the gun and escape. However, out on the deck everyone converges together, culminating in Rojas shooting Carlos several times; something he was made to do in order to formulate the escape plan. As Carolina and Eva rush to the scene, Carlos is taken to the infirmary. As the episode closes out, we receive a montage of our different characters drinking whiskey with one big question hanging over the show – who has the gold? Since episode 5’s big plot reveal, the final few episodes of High Seas haven’t quite reached that same level of intrigue. Don’t get me wrong, the mystery around Rosa’s killer, and now who has the gold, are good enough to keep you watching but it also feels a little bit like the show is trying a bit too hard to keep its mystery going. Still, there’s plenty to play for in the season finale and whether this one will end on another cliffhanger or not remains to be seen.