Tomorrow’s Answer

Does Yu-Jin’s baby survive?

Episode 16 of Forecasting Love and Weather begins with Ha-Kyung shocked over the arrest warrant being issued for Si-Woo’s father. Si-Woo decides that, regardless of the biopsy, that the police can take him away if they want. At the same time, Yu-Jin is taken into hospital too, but her baby is okay. It has a strong heartbeat and upon hearing this, both find themselves grappling with their emotions. Do they decide to follow through and raise this baby after all? Or are they going to get an abortion? Well, the answer is they’re going to try and do the best together, as Ki-Jun promises to help raise this baby. “I love you.” Yu-Jin says in reply, as the pair solidify their relationship together. Ha-Kyung questions the Director about his high accuracy with forecasts. She wants to know his secret. Naturally, he encourages her to go and check who the lowest performing forecaster is and ask them, then she’ll find her answers. When she heads downstairs though, she finds the place abuzz with new rumours about Ha-Kyung potentially being pregnant. Of course, those rumours are actually about Yu-Jin.

What happens with Senior Um?

Meanwhile, dad of the year, Um, heads home and decides to follow through with the divorce after all. He feels like a waste and believes they deserve better. When Bo-Mi sees the divorce papers on the table in the morning, she wants a say in this too. She’s decided Um should continue staying with them and they shouldn’t divorce after all. Hyang-Rae is not so sure. Hyang-Rae eventually heads over with a bag of clothes for Um. She admits he’s never been loyal to the family and calls him a coward. Eventually Um breaks down into tears as Hyang-Rae calls him dense and the pair hug it out, putting their issues aside for the time being and deciding to get back together after all.

Do Tae-Kyung and Seok-Ho break up?

Tae-Kyung and Seok-Ho try to explain themselves to the former’s mother. Unfortunately they both disagree about whether they’re dating to actually get married as an end-goal. For Seok-Ho, he’s absolutely all for marriage but Tae-Kyung just believes they’re together to have some fun. It’s here Seok-Ho reveals that Tae-Kyung is actually his first love and the first person he’s slept with, eventually leading to Mrs Bae hurrying out the door in the wake of this awkward conversation. Later on, Tae-kyung heads out drinking to drown her sorrows. She’s been rejected by her publisher and with no other publishing houses around, and drama with Seok-Ho leading down a despairing path, she decides they should break up. Seok-Ho is understandably heartbroken.

Does Ha-Kyung reveal the truth to the office?

Meanwhile, Si-Woo’s father goes missing from hospital. As Si-Woo deals with that, Ha-Kyung is called aside by Ki-Jun on account of Si-Woo inquiring about taking out a housing loan. Now, the workers have incorrectly assumed this is to do with his upcoming marriage to Ha-Kyung and it’s muddled in with rumours of pregnancy too. Ha-Kyung has enough and speaks up in front of everyone, revealing that she and Si-Woo have actually broken up and have been lying all this time. Si-Woo hears all of this from afar and is lost for words. At lunch, Ki-Jun sits with Ha-Kyung and excitedly shows off the heartbeat for his baby. She’s happy for him as Ki-Jun urges her not to let Si-Woo go, pointing out while he was a horrible boyfriend, Ki-Jun doesn’t want to be a bad friend as well.

What happens between Si-Woo and his father?

At the same time, Si-Woo rings his dad who admits he’s been a bad father all his life. Si-Woo urges him to stay with him until he’s gone, doing his best to repent until the day he dies. Si-Woo wants happy memories with his father, rather than what he’s been given thus far with his gambling and meddling. Si-Woo’s dad eventually hangs up, telling his son he should get back with “that Director”. So why did he run away? Well, it turns out Si-Woo’s father heard his son telling the police they can take him away, and he decided to run. So that pretty much confirms he was guilty all along and did commit fraud… right? Funnily enough though, Ha-Kyung’s mother happens to be at the bus stop, just behind, and overhears all of this.

Does Ha-Kyung make the correct prediction with the weather?

For now though, the drama turns to the KMA as there’s a chance that it may well snow rather than rain. Given the scrutiny the department has been under for incorrect forecasts, it’s a tricky situation. So who was the person in the department with the most amount of incorrect forecasts? None other than the Chief Director himself. He started off making loads of incorrect forecasts but eventually learned from that and continued to try and do his best every time, regardless of outcome. Ha-Kyung decides to do the same thing and presses ahead with the snow forecast. Whether right or wrong, Ha-Kyung is starting to understand what it entails to be a Director. When she heads home, she finds Mrs. Bae waiting. She believes Si-Woo  broke up with her because of his father and how much of a burden he is to Si-Woo. For Ha-Kyung, that’s not a problem. And she’s clearly not over him given the passcode to her house is set for the first day she and Si-Woo met. Mrs Bae gives some solid advice to her daughter, talking about love and telling her to forecast what’s happening right now rather than just for tomorrow and beyond.

Do Si-Woo and Ha-Kyung get back together?

Ha-Kyung reflects on what’s happened between her and Si-Woo, while also gaining some satisfaction when she successfully predicts snowfall. Si-Woo is there too, and he approaches her outside the Observatory to see the first snow. The pair reflect on their happy moments in the past, starting with the first rain and progressing through to the storm of emotion the pair end ended up sharing. As they chuckle together, Si-Woo eventually decides they should go out with one another again. Ha-Kyung is happy, admitting that she really loves him as they hug it out. “I love you so much more. Even more in the future.” Si-Woo says, as the pair kiss outside in the snow. As the snow falls, Ki-Jun and Yu-Jin sit together and enjoy watching a movie while Seok-Ho is still hung up over his break-up with Tae-Kyung, crying and calling her his first love. So Seok-Ho goes out of his way to get Tae-Kyung’s book published though, but this time independently. In fact, he’s going to manage all of Tae-Kyung’s affairs from now on. And the pair do inevitably get back together again.

What happens with all the other characters?

Meanwhile, Um has moved back in and it’s all happy families in their household. Kim Su-Jin decides to stay with the KMA as well, reflecting on how she’s proud to be looked at as a crucial and knowledgeable member of the team. In fact, she ends up teaching newbies about the weather. Si-Woo’s father has also done a 180 now too and he’s living at home with Si-Woo, complete with a beanie hat and an apron where he’s cooking. Si-Woo and his dad have patched up their differences.

How does Forecasting Love and Weather end?

As the episode closes out, Si-Woo gets Ha-Kyung a beautiful necklace and the pair head in to visit Mrs Bae and Si-Woo’s father, who is in the clear for the next five years. Seeing their parents together, Si-Woo and Ha-Kyung decide to leave, running away together.

The Episode Review

So Forecasting Love and Weather bows out with a conclusion that’s at least happy, even if it doesn’t always make sense. Now, correct me if I’m wrong but Si-Woo and Ha-Kyung’s relationship woes were directly related to the pair not wanting the same things in their future. Ha-Kyung wants to get married and Si-Woo definitely does not. Of course, I understand that two people can work through their problems but this has really been the crux of the issue across the entire show and instead it’s brushed aside in favour of Si-Woo claiming it’s about his father. Now that his dad is living with him and that’s wrapped up, they’re able to get together. But yet, all the chemistry for these two appears to have dissipated around the time the writing in this show has taken a nose-dive. In the end, it’s happy families all round as Um is back with his wife and daughter, Si-Woo and Ha-Kyung get back together when they realize they’re really in love, and Tae-Kyung dives into a relationship with Seok-Ho. While it’s not a terrible ending, it’s not a particularly imaginative or exciting one either. This show could have been better handled, given what we have to work with here, but it’s at least serviceable. Then again, that’s been the story of the whole drama hasn’t it? What started with a bright spark and hope has flickered into serviceable mediocrity. However, the show at least wraps up all the storylines, so there is that!