The Final Curtain

As a kid, I used to read Spider-Man and Sonic The Hedgehog comics. I distinctly remember sitting at my desk reading and the final few pages were always the most agonizing, knowing I’d have to wait another month before the next issue was posted through my letterbox. With that in mind then, Extraordinary You brings back those same feelings as our self-aware characters prepare for the worst with the end of the comic book looming on the horizon. I’m just not ready for this k-drama to be over! With Dan-O’s memory lost and no knowledge of her relationship with Ha-Roo, we begin with the scene changing to the shadow and Kyung talking to Ha-Roo about the situation. He tells him that Dan-O’s memory loss is for the best, prompting Ha-Roo to run off to Jimmiche where he tells him the story is repeating itself. After mentioning the specific rules the Writer follows, he goes on to warn him against making a big impression with the writer and try to fade into the background. As it happens, there’s only a few pages of this story left and the last thing he needs is to fade out completely before it’s over. Determined, Ha-Roo sets out to try and make Dan-O remember who he is after a brief blast from the past shows him vowing to do the exact same thing during the conclusive final chapter to Trumpet Creeper. Unfortunately his efforts here appear to be in vain, as Dan-O remains oblivious to his presence. Meanwhile Nam Joo cries outside class while the new Y3 taunt him. However, Joo-Da has his back and berates them before taking him by the hand, into the science lab during the shadow. As it turns back to the scene, Nam-Joo berates his Mother infront of the whole school over his family life. Nam-Joo approaches and wraps her arms around him, telling him she’s in love before he returns the favour after some harsh words for his Mother. Dan-O tells Kyung he’s the only one she cares for before she and Ha-Roo sit opposite one another in the library. As they do, her watch reflects in his face, allowing flashes of her past memories to come back where the same thing has happened a few times before. They’re only fragments but it’s enough for Dan-O to become teary-eyed and utter Ha-Roo’s name. The love triangle between Do-Hwa, Nam-Joo and Joo-Da comes to a close as Do-Hwa says his goodbyes and shakes hands with Joo-Da. Nam-Joo will not survive in the shadow without her and as she likes them both, this seems like the more logical choice. Do-Hwa wishes her well and hopes they can still be friends. After a beautiful date together, Kyung and Dan-O share a tender moment on the bench outside the school but instinctively, she calls him Ha-Roo instead. As the story continues into the next day, she tells Ha-Roo to stay away as her heart is hurting because of him. With the world about to be wrapped up, Ha-Roo turns and sees the familiar portal infront of him; lo and behold, down below is Dan-O staring up at him. Is this a glimpse of the past? After a brief flashback where we see Dan-O and Kyung measuring each other against a wall, in the present they both visit that exact same wall, agreeing to meet the following night for their 10 year anniversary. He thanks her for being by his side but just as they lean in for a kiss, the scene changes to shadow and Kyung decides against it, realizing this isn’t the real Dan-O. The next night, while waiting under the tree, Dan-O believes Kyung is standing behind her and bumps his back as they measure their height…only it turns out it’s actually Ha-Roo. Her memories come flooding back and as they embrace, Ha-Roo promises to never forget her. The next day we see that Kyung actually planted Ha-Roo under the tree as a way of getting back at the Writer. It’s an incredibly selfless act and one that rounds out his entire character arc, despite the poignancy that comes with his sacrifice. After handing back his engagement ring, Kyung tells her to leave after admitting that she sees him as a monster. However she dissuades this and thanks him for what he did, going on to forgive him on behalf of Dan-O in Trumpet Creeper too and wishes him well in finding himself, rather than the character the writer made him. As the episode closes out, Ha-Roo spills a drink over his blazer and see the jumper is missing his name-tag. Remembering Jimmiche’s words about closing out the story, he hugs her tightly and tells her he’ll be there for her, no matter the price. An unfamiliar sound though prompts Dan-O and Ha-Roo to witness firsthand items in the school begin to fade out of existence where we leave the episode. With the end of the story imminent and Joo-Da’s love triangle all but resolved, the only thing left to sort out is the fate of our star-crossed lovers. It appears these two are destined to be together and seeing Kyung’s selfless act at the end really shows how far his character has come over the weeks. Given how much I detested this guy in the opening few episodes, given how sorry I felt for him this week and how much I hope he finds true love somewhere is testament to the great writing of the show (The real writers of course, not the fictional one!). Quite what tomorrow’s finale has in store for us is left up for debate but if this episode is anything to go by – it may be a real tear-jerker!