She and Michael later go canvassing for Jayden, but they don’t have much luck with Phoebe looking and smelling like she just came from a one-night stand. Malika brings her a change of clothes, and a couple invites Phoebe to use their bathroom to change.  Malika criticizes the gentrification of her old neighborhood, while Phoebe enjoys the luxuries of the couple’s bathroom. She decides to take a back, then knocks the signatures she gained for Jayden into the tub and loses all progress. The host then kicks her out when she catches her using their bath and towels. Jayden and Jessie have more luck than Phoebe at the beginning of their canvassing efforts. They take their daughter, Aisha, and spin the endeavour as a “family fun day.” (Aisha isn’t fooled.) But, while canvassing, they are accidentally sucked into a birthday party of one of Aisha’s classmates. They leave Aisha there to continue working, abandoning the family fun day. Later, they stop a young mother on the street. She talks about her daughter and advises them to spend as much time with family as possible. This makes them miss Aisha, so they give up on canvassing and go back to the birthday party. Meanwhile, Phoebe comes up with an idea to get more signatures. She starts looking for doorsteps with food deliveries on them and demands signatures from people before they can get their food. Phoebe’s plan fails, however, when Jayden (and several food delivery workers) catch her. Jayden doesn’t care about her signatures because they may not be legal. Luckily, Jayden learns later that he made the ballot anyway–with barely enough signatures. The episode ends with Phoebe on a date with Hamilton. However, she shoves him and runs away when she sees Jayden on the street.

The Episode Review

Whereas the last episode of Everything’s Trash refreshingly took a look at some realistic and relatable problems in Phoebe’s life, this episode sees everything go wrong that could go wrong–and yet everything works out for everyone involved. No explanation necessary? It’s only episode three, but it’s still discouraging to note that none of the characters have been at all real with each other. Phoebe has yet to drop her podcast voice, and the rest of the characters similarly speak with exaggerated intonation and unnatural colloquialisms.  If Everything’s Trash can’t maintain the aspects that made its second episode unique from other sitcoms, there’s not much left to recommend it.